What could we do without money?
What on Earth would we do without money? It puts food on our tables, it pays for our
housing, it pays our bills, our education--it gets us all those needful things that ensure our
survival and enrichment, all in exchange for service of some kind. It's "the way it is," right?
Isn't that what we've handed down from generation to generation for the past few Thousand years now? It may help us to understand what it is by reviewing history and the influence of money within that history. This is a great primer to begin with:
(there are 6 easy parts to watch, all linked)
But what is money, really? From beads, to coins, to paper, to virtual accounting, just what is
it? Most would say that it is a measure of worth--a car may be valued at so many dollars and that would be its worth. Or, one has x amount of dollars in the bank and x amount of dollars in property or stocks, bonds, life insurance, mortgage holdings, etc, then that is considered
the net worth of a human being.
The net worth of a human being.
Back the bus up, Wilbur. The net worth of a human being is counted in his/her holding of
currency, by the abundance or the lack thereof? Who thought this up? Who made it the
standard to put a monetary value on a human life, or any life at all? Who had that right?
Who has that right? A burning question, but I digress.
Money is more than a unit of worth measurement. Money is power. Every penny is a unit of power. The more units one accrues within the monetary system, the more power that
individual receives. The more power that individual possesses, the more influence. More
influence begets more personal gain of power, and around and around the money wheel
goes, crushing those beneath it with impunity.
The big flaw in the money system, therefore, is that anyone can profit in it to become
wealthy and powerful. A kind hearted person is offered the same opportunities as the greedy and self-serving one, and both can profit, but it is the true predator that succeeds more
often in the quest for mass monetary gain and all of the power that comes with that.
Those who supply the system, the ones who print and designate and delegate what money
is, control the whole system and everyone within its rules. They are the ones that "give"
power to those who can generate as much power (money) as possible. The more those
people earn, the more the producers of money earn. It's like a huge pyramid scheme of
hierarchy that sits upon the backs of those beneath them--the ones that actually make it possible for that
hierarchy to survive have to give every penny back to the originators in order to just have the very basic things
they need to survive. It creates suffering and inequality at the expense of
the rest of our world's population, INCLUDING businesses and corporations--a vicious,
vicious circle where the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many and those that
have the most, get the most....all because of a perceived notion of value.
Honestly, why does modern humanity continue this system?
Do we have any recourse?
Yes we do, fellow earthlings.
Yes we do.